Community Matters

"Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
                    - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

    In life, there are moments when we feel alone. Moments where you turn to the left… then turn to the right… and see nobody standing beside you. 

    Community is a huge thing in life that at some point everyone needs even if they deny that they need people. We are wired to be connected to one another. I mean after all... Adam had Eve, Paul had Barnabas, and Jesus had his 12 who he ate with and spent time with. There is a reason for why community is necessary which is found in the book of Proverbs.

"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul."

-Proverbs 27:9b MSG  

    Growing up it was always hard for me to connect with people at times. Self-doubt, insecurity, and anxiousness about whether I was being “Annoying” so I would just be silent and drift away. Even though I was surrounded by people who cared and loved me, it didn’t feel like it all. Everyone at some point will feel this in their life… but for me… it was the majority of my life.

    There would be times when I would feel surrounded by friends and for the first time it happened during COVID-19 which is a shocker. My high school friends and I would all go to the girl I was in a relationship with at the time parent’s house, or go to another friend's house and pump up air mattresses and watch movies off a projector in the back garage. The amount of fun we would have put a smile on my face all the time.

    However, life hits and people move away after you graduate. All that’s left is you… back at home… while everyone is off at college making new friends, going on new adventures, and enjoying the college experience. You still keep in touch, but it’s just... different now.

    I knew that life would go on. I went to college full-time but attended online only while working a full-time job. Worked with people who became close to me but then the same issue happened that I have had all my life which caused me to start drifting away. There would be times when I just would not ask people to do anything because I felt like I was being a nuisance at times even though I had never asked the person to ever hang out before.

   Recently, I hit one of the roughest patches in my life at that time, wondering what God had next in my life. My old "community" was gone. Weeks would go on and I would tell people about how a community would make their lives better and make them better, but yet at the same time, I was struggling to be in community with other people. I wanted something different I wanted to start something new. I was just sitting at home at the time, all alone again. Praying to God day in and day out about what I should do.

    Then I received a text from two coworkers (who were dating at the time). It was out of the blue a little bit because normally we just texted about work things, would always say hi to them in passing, and give fist bumps as well. When I picked up my phone to read it, they had asked me to come to a Formal New Year's Eve Dinner Party (I didn’t even know people did this). It wasn’t exactly on New Year's, but I attended anyway. From that moment on… my life has forever changed.

    I finally found the community that I was looking for. People who would encourage me at all times, people who would pray on my behalf at all times. People who would want to do fun things, and go on adventures, all while loving Jesus. Long story short… was invited to events and hangouts when I was struggling to find community.

    As a bonus… they asked me to “be a part of their wedding” by driving a golf cart. Regardless I was honored, and have to say was the best golf cart driver ever.


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